This is the Materials Selection and Analysis Tool (MSAT). MSAT is incorporated into the NASA MAPTIS system and is meant to serve
as a pilot program to demonstrate the capability and usefulness of such a system to store, search, and retrieve non-classified
material related data generated from ARL and their customers. The intent of this pilot is to demonstrate the effectiveness of utilizing
core systems already developed by other government agencies to reduce duplication of
effort and provide a quicker time to market. The success of this pilot will serve as a model for future cross agency system utilization.
MSAT is a single-point source for materials properties for the Army and Army associated contractors and organizations.
The system contains physical, mechanical and environmental properties for metallic and non-metallic materials. MSAT tracks
the pedigree of data from the test system raw data file which can be collected directly by the MSAT tool. All data manipulations are
tracked with version control to facilitate technical collaboration and innovation. Data analysis tools are built into the MSAT tool,
including the input of unique data tools developed for material properties of specific interest to armor developers.
The inclusion and documentation of these data tools will increase the corporate knowledge base and prevent loss of data with personnel changes.