MAPTIS contains numerous materials databases. It also provides a powerful search engine which allows a quick search of all the available databases by searching for key terms in the material designation (such as "Al 6061 T6"). A description of the available databases and their content are shown below.
ASM International Data
The ASM International Data consists of following databases:- ASM Alloy Finder
- ASM Coatings Data
- ASM Corrosion Data
- ASM Data Sheets and Diagrams
- ASM Failure Analysis Center
- ASM Handbooks
- ASM Materials Property Data
- ASM Micrograph Center
ASM Alloy Finder
The ASM Alloy Finder enables searches in one easy step across ASM property data, performance charts, and processing guidelines for specific metals and alloys.
Access to these sources are provided through a link to the ASM International website and is open to all registered users.
ASM Coatings Data
ASM Coatings Data provides detailed information about commercial coating processes. Search by trade name, manufacturer, process type, coating type, or key words.
Access to these sources are provided through a link to the ASM International website and is open to all registered users.
ASM Corrosion Data
ASM Corrosion Data features corrosion information for specific alloys in specific environments. Search by alloy or environment.
Access to these sources are provided through a link to the ASM International website and is open to all registered users.
ASM Data Sheets and Diagrams
ASM Data Sheets & Diagrams features thousands of materials data sheets; heat treating data sheets; and time-temperature curves, creep curves, and fatigue curves from ASM publications. All of these documents are organized by alloy and are fully searchable.
Access to these sources are provided through a link to the ASM International website and is open to all registered users.
ASM Failure Analysis Center
The ASM Failure Analysis Center features over 1000 case histories along with authoritative handbook information on failure mechanisms and analysis methods. The Failure Analysis Center enables you to find specific information to help you quickly solve your own failure analysis or materials performance issues.
Access to these sources are provided through a link to the ASM International website and is open to all registered users.
ASM Handbooks
ASM Handbooks Online features the complete content of twenty ASM Handbook volumes plus two ASM Desk Editions.
This database is open to all registered users.
ASM Materials Property Data
ASM Materials Property Data provides detailed property information for more than 6,800 ferrous and nonferrous alloys.
Access to these sources are provided through a link to the ASM International website and is open to all registered users.
ASM Micrograph Center
The Micrograph Center is a comprehensive collection of micrograph images and associated data. The emphasis of the collection is on micrographs for industrially important alloys. Information captured for each image includes material designation and composition, processing history, service history, metallographic preparation/technique, magnification, significance of the structures shown, selected materials properties data, and other relevant data.
Commercial Data
The Commercial Data consists of following databases:
- Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook
- CAMPUS Plastics
- ESDU Metallic Materials Data Handbook
- Prospector
- Material Universe
- CMH-17
Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook
An organized collection of mechanical and physical properties of alloys used in the aerospace and related industries is contained in the Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook. The data includes commercial designations, alternate designations, specifications, compositions, heat treatment, hardness, forms and conditions.
This database is open to all registered users.
CAMPUS Plastics
The CAMPUS (Computer Aided Material Preselection by Uniform Standards) data module contains 4,600 plastic resin grades from 27 raw material producers. A key feature of CAMPUS is that all data is measured according to strict CAMPUS ISO standards, ensuring a high standard of data comparability across the different manufacturers' datasets.
CAMPUS is good for direct materials comparison due to all the materials being tested to given standards.
ESDU Metallic Materials Data Handbook
ESDU Metallic Materials Data Handbook is the prominent source of European design strength data and started out as UK Def Stan 00-932 following 10 years of data collection and analysis. The dataset is currently on version Supplement Level 44, released in 2004. This release contains information for nearly 600 materials specifications in over 2500 datasheets.
The properties covered include important complex information such as creep rupture, aging data and fatigue and fracture information, in addition to the standard static behaviors such as strength and stiffness. Further details about the processability of materials are given, with special emphasis on weldability.
The Prospector database presents around 43,500 ASTM and 8,700 ISO datasheets for specific plastic resin grades from around 400 suppliers worldwide. Data includes: Physical, Mechanical, Impact, Hardness, Thermal, Electrical, Flammability, UL Ratings, Optical, Film, Elastomeric, Aging and Processing properties. The datasheets are collated by IDES Inc. and provided under license.
IDES is good for reference - it contains a huge number of polymer grades - but is not as good for materials comparison, due to differences in the testing carried out. Also note that the volume of data suppliers provide on each datasheet varies considerably from one supplier to another.
Material Universe
MaterialUniverse is an outstanding resource for materials scientists and engineers. It represents virtually all purchasable engineering materials in around 3,700 unique materials records.
Each record has more than fifty general, mechanical, thermal, optical, electrical, and corrosion properties. Where data is available, it is provided. Where values are not available, they are estimated using Granta's unique design principle and Selector technology. Where a value is estimated this is clearly indicated in the database.
The result is a comprehensive compendium of materials property data in searchable electronic form, available for easy analysis and comparison. The power of MaterialUniverse lies in the fact that there are no 'holes' in the data. Users can thus compare and select materials without missing possible candidates for their design application. MaterialUniverse helps you to explore the complete 'universe' of materials possibility before focusing more detailed analysis on the most promising options.
The CMH-17 contains over 1,000 records of test data for polymer matrix, metal matrix, and ceramic matrix composites. It has been developed in a similar manner to the MMPDS data.
The Metallic Materials Properties Development and Standardization (MMPDS) data and its predecessor MIL-HDBK-5 is the preeminent source for aerospace component design allowables relating to alloys and fasteners. MMPDS contains over 2,000 records of statistically-derived design data for aerospace alloys in various forms and thicknesses, as well as information on the temperature dependence of mechanical properties, fatigue curves, and corrosion rankings. It also contains a complete fastener database comprising over 1,000 sheet metal/fastener combinations.
NASA Databases
The NASA Data consists of following databases:
- Materials Selection
- Restricted Substances
- Space Contamination and Materials Outgassing Effects Knowledgebase
Materials Selection Database
The Materials Selection List Database provides material and test data on over 32,000 metals and non-metals. It serves as the online replacement of MSFC-HDBK-527F/JSC09604F, both of which have been cancelled.
The Selection List is used to obtain materials ratings for selecting and reporting materials in accordance with NASA-STD-6016, JSC SSP-30233 and other appropriate NASA and contractor standards. The majority of material tests are conducted per NASA-STD-6001B.
- Metals: Metals test data includes the following: Hydrogen Embrittlement, Fluid Compatibility, Mechanical Impact, Promoted Ignition, Corrosion, Stress Corrosion Cracking and Tensile tests.
- Non-metals: Non-metals test data includes the following: Arc Tracking, Wire tests, Flammability, Mechanical Impact, Thermal Vacuum Stability (outgassing), Toxicity (offgassing), among others.
Test data is obtained from the following sources:
Marshall Space Flight Center
White Sands Test Facility
Kennedy Space Center
Goddard Space Flight Center
Commercial Test Facilities certified to ASTM E595 (TVS only)
MISSE is a series of experiments mounted externally on the International Space Station (ISS) that investigates the effects of long-term exposure of materials to the harsh space environment.
Restricted Substances Database
The restricted substance database contains over 6,000 records, each describing a specific restricted substance. The restricted substances are linked to the details of over 60 pieces of national and international legislation, regulations, and industry standards that regulate the use of such substances. New legislation is continually added and existing legislation is monitored and updated.
Access to this database is limited.
Satellite Contamination and Materials Outgassing Knowledgebase
This Knowledgebase is the combination of ASTM E1559 and Space QCM flight data databases providing the coordination of tested materials properties to effects observed in flight. The Knowledgebase provides outgassing properties of aerospace materials based upon ground-testing data, the effects of outgassing, and contaminant re-deposition that has been observed during space flight. It contains information using the ASTM Standard E-1559 and also consolidates data from missions using Quartz-Crystal Microbalances (QCM’s). The data contained in the knowledgebase was shared with NASA by government agencies, industries, and international space agencies.
This database is open to all registered users.